Many of our couples don’t follow the outdated prescribed “life path”. Life happens, and we live in a day and age where this is understood and accepted. I was married when I was six months pregnant in a beautiful community garden in Brooklyn with a small celebration at my favorite pizza place afterward (#pizzaforever 🍕)
In our line of work we meet couples at all stages of their relationship. We have organized weddings with newly hatched babies up to a blended family of seven.
Being a parent of two kids myself, I sympathize with the nonstop commitment it is to keep your little one fed, entertained, and engaged. Also, depending on their age, they might find this concept of their parents dressed up in weird formal clothes quite confusing and be a bit more clingy. Or you might be in teenager land where you are gonna get a lot of eye-rolls.
We work with you to plan your day around balancing the needs of the little ones with the needs of their parents to find a healthy medium and to make sure everyone has a great time, and we take epic pictures.
Here are a few ways we can help you make your wedding day with your kids a beautiful bonding family experience.
As a parent, I have a trusted team of nannies and babysitters to hire for your wedding day. If you have children under 6, I recommend hiring a babysitter for part of your wedding day. The babysitter can meet us after the ceremony and take your little ones for a nap, to eat artisanal ice cream, or to a world-class Brooklyn playground so that you and your partner can have some alone time together.
We do not believe that kids need to be perfect little angels for photos. We love photos where kids get to be kids, jumping, laughing, and having fun. As parents, we know that there is nothing better than horsing around with the kids. So after we take a few “formal” family photos, I like to let the kids be themselves and capture your true family dynamic.
Our tweens and teens are a bit more hip to what’s happening. Integrate them into your day. Mother-daughter mani-pedis or a special stop for their favorite snack (aka junk food) can be worked into your wedding day itinerary.
I have a tween who is still very communicative with me but my boyfriends kids are teenage boys who barely talk, whatever your situation take some extra time to carve out space for them in this day. They might not express it but they will appreciate it!
We always work with our couples to pre-visualize the day and anticipate any hiccups (toddler crying a bunch, the 5-year-old who is distracted) and come up with a game plan of how we want to handle the situation.
Your nerves might be a bit more heightened before your wedding. Most couples do not eat before their wedding. So be ahead of the curve and make sure that the whole family is well-fed just before the ceremony and bring snacks. We will choose a spot for your location where the kids can be free if they need to get the wiggles out.
There is nothing more beautiful than having your children there to witness you get married. It is a memory they will have forever no matter what their age. Since all of our ceremonies are unique and custom written for you there is no limit in the ways that we can incorporate your children into this special day for you and your family.
We can customize vows to take together as a family or have your child read a poem during the ceremony. Let them be an integral part of the day without the pressure of a big traditional wedding.
I look forward to working with more families this year and hearing about your family values, traditions, quirks, and all the things that make you unique and special so that we can celebrate together.
We are super excited to help you bring your elopement dreams to life. Drop us a line and schedule your consultation call.
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